Manufacturing & Industrial Operations Consultant, Technologist and Futurist

Checkout my new tech insights/M&A report on “Manufacturing Operations Management

Manufacturing/industrial technology expert, SaaS entrepreneur, consultant, passionate leader, and mentor…


  • Experienced consultant for the investment community (private equity, banking, venture capital) including market thesis development, industry analysis, target acquisition diligence and post-acquisition guidance

  • Experienced consultant for growing SaaS companies (pre-investment phases)

  • Industrial SaaS solutions including CMMS/EAM, MES, APM, CCMS, ERP, EHS, IWMS, WMS, etc.

  • Industry 4.0/”Exponential Technologies”/Industrial Internet of Things - intersection of the digital and physical worlds

  • Industrial/asset/operations expertise: “Asset Lifecycle” – regardless of industry. Core experience around asset health, uptime, improving OEE, etc.

  • Industry “lean” best-practices including Total Productive Maintenance, 5S, Kaizen, Six Sigma, compliance, and others

  • Industry/vertical expertise includes all manufacturing, life sciences, public sector, commercial real estate, healthcare, data centers/tech, stadiums, convention centers, hospitality, non-profits, and others.

I know the Manufacturing/Industrial SaaS/Technology Market…

The industrial/B2B/operations technology/market landscape is vast and complex with many moving pieces. Whether building a software/hardware solution for market, helping vendors to understand how to gain better access to potential buyers or help organizations chart their operations journey, I can assist. See my service offerings here.

Software solutions I have created:

  • Asset Essentials Cloud (2017)

  • Bigfoot CMMS Cloud (2009)

  • Smart Maintenance Cloud (2005)

  • Smart Maintenance (2001)

  • Maintenance Manager (1994)

Foundational to my created solutions:

  • Consistent focus on the latest tech-stack and trends (SaaS since 1998)

  • Software is only part of the equation: services, integration and related are also key

  • Harmony with industry trends and solutions critical. Current example is harnessing the power of IoT to drive superior maintenance software solutions.

  • Enterprise/scalable solutions that have robust functionality, dynamic workflow & configuration, analytics and more